Hi, I'm Jorden.
As you can see from my work, I love working with (moving) images. Why? Because there are countless directions you can take, and it never gets boring. Video brings atmosphere, depth, and expression. For me, there’s also a personal connection. As a drummer, I focus on rhythm, the feeling, and the "flow" of video. The combinations between image and sound are endless, and that keeps my work varied and dynamic.

For as long as I can remember (roughly since becoming a Star Wars fan at a young age), I’ve been big fan of imagination; creating things. Whether it's stories or concepts, blogs and articles, campaign ideas, or ways to visualize things—I love being involved in them all.

You may have noticed that video and storytelling are playing an increasingly important role in society, as more people recognize its value. If a photograph is said to tell more than a thousand words, imagine how much more you can convey through video.

I’d love to get in touch with you!
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